For the annual general meeting of Magic to the World e.V. we met on 12.11.22, like last year, again in the Stadtteilhaus Äußere Neustadt in Dresden.
Our board, Ronny and Marcus, first gave the other 8 members present an overview of past and current association events, especially of course the projects in 2021. You can view the presentation here:
Here you can download the presentation [2 MB]
Based on the annual and financial report 2021 and the subsequent report of our cash auditor, Florian, the board for the fiscal year 2021 was discharged during the meeting by the members present and represented
by proxy (19 votes).
Subsequently, Marcus Stein was re-elected by the general meeting as the 1st chairman of the association and will lead the association’s business as planned until the general meeting in 2025.
In addition to the statutory discharge of the board, the members present took the opportunity to learn about current projects and to clarify the possibilities for involvement in the association in discussions. Furthermore,
the board explained together with the auditor the current financial situation of the association and which strategy should be pursued regarding further donations to project partners.
The following resolutions were passed by the General Meeting and will be implemented by the Executive Board in the future:
- Tree planting project: For the next planting season in April/May 2023 we commission our partners from ISCOT in Uganda to raise 10,000 seedlings, a deposit will be sent immediately
- Member management: Members who have not paid their membership fee for 24 months or more and have not responded to 3 or more contact attempts will be excluded from the association and finally informed by email.
The members defined upcoming tasks and distributed them to responsible persons. Thus, we would like to further develop MttW in the following fields:
- Increased outreach to foundations and grant programs
- Create print materials for club advertising
- Place donation option more prominently on the website
- Create sponsorship program for SWO trainings
- Examine the contribution of the reforestation partners
- Create interactive map and new planting certificates to the reforestation project.
- Utilize regional engagement opportunities, e.g., tree planting events.
- Examine sales opportunities for Cameroonian fashion in Germany
What steps does the association take to remind members about their unpaid membership fees and how many contact attempts are made before excluding them from the associat