Update und pictures for Magic to Uganda 2024

After we were able to show you some pictures from the various construction phases in January in our report about the construction of a water tank for the Rubanga Twerto tree nursery in Madi Opei, we have now received pictures and videos of the distribution of the seedlings as part of Magic to Uganda 2024 , which we would like to share with you here.

In total, just over 10,000 seedlings were distributed to 20 selected farmers in the first weeks of April, so that they were each able to plant 500 seedlings in the prepared fields. Of course, this year again all benefactors were trained in advance and also trained again on the most important topics for growing the trees during the distribution of the seedlings. In these two videos (unfortunately the quality is poor) you can get an insight:

1 thought on “Update und pictures for Magic to Uganda 2024”

  1. Bewundernswertes Projekt! Uganda hat jedoch – wie viele andere afrikanische Länder – ein fundamentales psychologisches Problem, und das ist eine hohe Gewalt gegen Kinder (weil es kein Gesetz gibt, das die Prügelstrafe verbietet – siehe die White Hand Kampagne des Friedensforschers Franz Jedlicka). Es wäre wichtig, dass alle EZA Initiativen das Mitdenken, auch im Sinne des “Triple Nexus” Ansatzes.

    LG Johanna

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