After our association was able to win the vote of the readers of the magazine FUNK UHR (weekly circulation of approx. 500,000 copies) in November thanks to your support and a detailed report on our activities was published in December, the current issue after the “ Life hero of the year” wanted. Our Magic to the World eV is again up for election as the winner of the month!
In order to be able to win the prize money of 2,000 euros for our association work, we need you! All you have to do is email the following text to :
Subject: Lebens-Held des Jahres
Liebes FUNK UHR-Team,
im Finale der Aktion Lebens-Held stimme ich für den Verein Magic to the World e.V.!
Kennwort: Magic to the World
Viele Grüße
Anyone who has set up an e-mail program on their smartphone or PC can save themselves typing. Simply click on the following button, add your name and send the e-mail:
Voting runs until May 8 . Thank you for your support ❤️

Tolles Engagement.
How can readers of FUNK UHR magazine support Magic to the World eV in the “Life Hero of the Year” competition, and what recognition or benefits would winning the competition bring to the organization?
Vielen Dank an alle, die für uns bei der Aktion abgestimmt haben!
Leider haben wir kein Preisgeld erhalten aber freuen uns über die Aufmerksamkeit für unseren Verein und das damit verbundene Interesse der Leserschaft der FUNK UHR.
Weiterhin haben wir eine sehr hübsche Urkunde erhalten: