Update: Magic to Uganda II – trees for Madi Opei

News from our project and the next steps in Madi Opei — 20.000 seedlings ready to be planted — MttW-team hit by travel restrictions — Jimmy and ISCOT take the lead of the project — plantation will start by the end of march — support us with donations for more trees

raising of seedlings in local tree nursery, begining of 2020

After preperations in 2019, followed by a deposit we paid to local tree nurseries, they started raising 20.000 tree seedlings. Most of the seedlings are now ready to be put to the ground in the next weeks. Up to 10.000 additional small trees could be raised before the end of this rainy season if we get closer to our financial goal. If you can support us, please consider donating via our project page!

In addition to what is happening in the nurseries, our friends from the local organisation “Initiative for Sustainable Community Transformation” (ISCOT) have been visiting villages and schools since early february. In their ongoing meetings with the communities they talk about enviroment protection as well as sustainability. They make the village population aware of what is about to happen in the next weeks. Besides asking the approval of the community leaders, they promote for general interst in tree planting and the participation of all group members.

Jimmy Amone and ISCOT having a training in one of the villages

Uganda has, to protect their country from a spread of coronavirus, put in travel restrictions in the beginning of march. With Germany being included in those restricted countries, suddendly travelling to the project side became impossible for our MttW-Team (Benedikt, Felix, Ronny, Sebastian, Marcus) without going into a 2-week-quarantine upon arrival. Because of this we have to postpone our visit and participation in Madi Opei. As much as we are disenchanted, this decision is also about the health of our friends in northern Uganda which we feel responsible for as well.

Thanks to Jimmy and the amazing team of ISCOT, the planting of the trees can happen nevertheless as planned in the next weeks! Even if our team – for the moment – can not support on the ground, our partners from ISCOT, under the lead of Jimmy, will realize all planned actions with the communities and schools. Having our full trust they will get all the financial means from Magic to the World e.V.. Jimmy will direct, monitor and document all the happenings and spendings over the next weeks.

The rainy season starts in March and will probably last until August. It is essential for the trees to be planted in a time with high precipitation to give them enough time to put down roots and grow enough to survive the following dry season. This will eventually lead to the trees having a positive impact on the micro climate within the next years. To not delay the plantation and therefor risk the overall success of this project, we decided, for the first time, to transfer the needed funds to the local organization and trusted person.

the team of ISCOT having a meeting

We will Update all the progress of the next weeks on our Website and especially on Facebook and Instagram. Together with ISCOT we have commited to detailed documentation for the success of the project and keeping everything transparent. As soon as possible we will visit Madi Opei to support ISCOT and have our own magical impact towards this project.

Thank you for your trust in us and lovelove!

a part of 20.000 Magic to the World e.V. – seedlings

1 thought on “Update: Magic to Uganda II – trees for Madi Opei”

  1. Guten Tag,

    am 28.03.2020 wurde mir von Plant-for-the-Planet bestätigt, dass ich 100 Euro für Ihr Projekt gespendet haben. Dort heißt es, dass zeitnah eine Spendenbescheinigung versendet wird, passiert ist jedoch nichts.

    Bitte prüfen. Danke!


    Stefan Heger
    Liebe(r) Stefan Heger,
    Vielen Dank, dass Sie 250 Bäume mit Magic to the World e.V. geplanzt haben!
    Ihre Zahlung in das Pflanzproject Magic to Uganda II über EUR 100 haben wir am 28.03.2020 erhalten.
    Ihren Spenden-ID lautet: 000479675
    Hier kommen sie zu Ihrem Benutzerprofil.

    Wenn Sie an ein Projekt gespendet haben, welches Spendenbescheinigungen ausstellt, werden Sie schon bald eine für Ihre Steuererstattung erhalten. Um mehr über Steuerabzüge zu erfahren, wenden Sie sich bitte an die einzelnen Projekte auf der Plattform…”

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