Magic to Uganda (’24) – 20.000 seedlings and a water tank for the tree nursery

Raising the seedlings in Kitgum with our MttW board member Ronny during a visit to Uganda in 2023

Update march 2024

Our MttW-members Anna and Marcus were on site in January 2024 and were able to inspect and document the construction work. The opportunity was also taken to visit many planting locations from previous years and to collect additional GPS data and current photos. You can find these photos and a short video about the construction process in this post

In 2024 we would like to continue our  tree planting cooperation with ISCOT  in the Madi Opei region in northern Uganda. After more than 100,000 seedlings have already been distributed to village communities, farmers and schools in the region in recent years, we would like to order more seedlings by November at the latest in order to be able to distribute them in the planting season in April 2024. As in previous years, these will be grown in a rented tree nursery in Kitgum. For an impression of the area and our efforts there, we recommend a look at our project page Magic to Uganda (’23) which describes the distribution and the visit of our team in April 2023. Also the video of the visit to Madi Opei (’22) and other reports on the activities on the project pages  Magic to Uganda II (’20)  and  Magic to Uganda II (’21) describe our commitment on site.

After our first visit in 2018, we asked Jimmy, the head of ISCOT, how we could find a more long-term approach  to improve the situation in the region. His answer was very clear: “Afforestation!”. During the armed conflict in the region that lasted until 2008, most of the large trees were carelessly cut down to provide firewood for the logs that were herded into camps. The effects on the microclimate of the region are already clearly noticeable due to longer periods of drought and flood-like precipitation. The drought, which is becoming more severe as a result of climate change, also promotes drying out and thus increasing infertility of the soil.

For as little as €0.50 per seedling,  we can raise a seedling in the Madi Opei region, distribute it to local farmers and support it as it grows over the next few years. Each of the young trees has the potential   to bind up to 10kg of CO2 per year.

Construction of a water tank for the Rubanga Twero Nursery

With your help we have been able to distribute more than 100,000 seedlings to the village communities in the past four years ! Our long-term plan for the project is that we will see a steady increase in seedlings distributed. In order to achieve this we would like to move the raising of the seedlings from Kitgum to Madi Opei. This requires a secure water supply for the tree nursery, which we want to ensure by building a cistern.

Our partner Joel in front of the tree nursery near Madi Opei

Of course, every year we deal with the cost structure of our tree planting project. Even if we can already buy the seedlings quite cheaply from our partner Joel, he has to pay relatively high rents for a plot of land near the river in Kitgum (next larger town) every year in order to grow the seedlings we have ordered there. In discussions over the past two years, it has become clear that a more sustainable solution would be to grow the trees directly in the Lambo District, which is much closer to our distribution target areas. Also, the local community would benefit from some seasonal jobs.

Joel already has a small nursery near his home, the Rubanga Twero Nursery Bed (meaning God is Able), where he only works with a few dozen seedlings as there is no water source available. In order to increase the number of seedlings, a steady water supply is required during the dry season. This can only be guaranteed via a water tank in the form of a cistern, which we, as Magic to the World e.V., want to build as an investment in the region. This reduces the cost per seedling for us by 20-25% . Here you can find a drone video of the tree nursery, which we recorded during our visit in 2022. The water tank is to be built in a northerly direction right next to the tree nursery.

Drone flyover over the nursery during the rainy season (taken in 2022)

After a thorough calculation of the costs, including a 15% buffer for unforeseen expenses ( this is Africa ), the costs for the water tank , with a capacity of approx. 50,000 liters , amount to approx. 4,500 €. At a savings of 20% per seedling at the current price of 1,500 UGX, the investment will be amortized by ordering 45,000 seedlings in the future. Because Joel guarantees us this award for the next few years and because we want to continue to support the people of Madi Opei and the Padibe District in their efforts to slow down climate change through reforestation for many years to come, we have decided to make this investment. Here you can find the spending plan for the water tank, also available for download (only in German):

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Our call for donations

We need donations both to continue the planting in the next rainy season in April 2024 (0.50 € per seedling) and for the construction project, which will enable us to plan for the long term. This is exactly where you can support us! Promote this great project, talk to friends, family or work colleagues about it and be our ambassador! Send our website or use the water tank project draft linked here (only in German) to be able to pass on the important information in a file.

Of course, we would also be happy to receive your very own financial donation ! Make the magic happen. ????

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Our Magic to Uganda 2024 OnePager, also available to download

Each of us can contribute something for the good of humanity. Uganda is one of the countries with the youngest average age on earth and over 80% of the people are engaged in agriculture. Stopping the progressive desertification in the north of the country is not only in the interest of nature, but also has a direct impact on the warm-hearted local people. With our commitment, we can not only protect the microclimate and contribute to the fight against global warming, but also give the Acholi a gift: hope for the future . Above all, we would like to make this possible for the children and we still hope that we will continue and expand this project together! Let’s keep trying to make the world a little better.

Step by step.

Project by Project.

How you can support our tree planting project in Uganda:

  • By  bank transfer to one of our donation accounts  (no fees):
Recipient:Magic to the World e.V.
IBAN:DE65 4306 0967 1309 7243 00
  • Via  Paypal to Magic to the World eV  (approx. 2% fee)
  • On-site assignment:  Do you have  the time and motivation to spend your free time constructing a water tank between  December 27, 2023 and around January 20, 2024? Join the Magic!  Participation in a traditional Acholi wedding (01/06) is also planned. For details, please contact Marcus on +49 15143188926
  • Make our  project  known in your company, sports club or circle of friends   and thus acquire any major donors. You are welcome to use the water tank project draft linked here (only in German). Questions and contact are possible via .

You are welcome to receive a donation receipt/donation receipt for all donations afterwards or at the end of the year, which you can claim for tax purposes in accordance with Section 50 (1) EStDV!

Thank you!